Significance of Karma

                                                      Significance of Karma

Karma is a Sanskrit word springing from the root " Kri-"to do" or " to make".The actual meaning of karma can be described as an infinite chain of the result of the action that is performed. It is the concept of wisdom based on god's epic and Upanishad which explain events are derived from human action and create a chain of result or reaction of a person's lives.


Today I am going to share a story of the significance of "KARMA".In this story, we learn the importance of karma that we all doing in our life. This is absolutely true that what we have done good or bad your karma will decide your result which will decide your future.


There was a woman baked bread for her living hood & an extra one for hungry beggar passer-by.she kept the extra chapati for beggar everyday.everyday a hungry beggar came and took away the chapati instead of expressing gratitude, he muttered the following words as he went his way "the devil you do remains with you: the good you do come back to you"

this went on every day. the beggar every day came and take away his bread & uttered the same words: "the devil you do remains with you: the good you do come back to you".after that the women failed irritated, not a single word of Gratitude, she said herself.

One day Exasperated, she decided to do away with him. I will get rid of this beggar.and what did she do? she added poison to his bread she prepared for she was about to keep it on the window sill, her hands trembled. after some she realized Immediately what is this I am doing?. she threw the bread into the fire & prepared another one for handing over.

As usual, the beggar came & took away his bread & muttered the same words again without Expressing Gratitude .the beggar proceeds on his way unaware of the word ragging in the Mind of women. Every day she prepared the bread for a beggar as usual.she offered prayer For her husband who had gone to a distance to seek his good fortune.for many months she Had no news of him .she Prayed for his safe return. that evening there was a know on the she opened it she was astonished to find her husband standing on the doorway. he Was thin & lean, his clothes were tattered and torn. he was starved and weak.

 As he saw his Wife he said" dear its Miracle I am here while I was but a mile away. I was so famished that I collapsed. I would have died ".but just then a beggar passed by I begged of him for a Morsel of food and he was kind enough to give me .As the women heard these words, her face turned to pale. she Remembered the poisoned bread that she made for beggar this Morning. if she had not but the bread in the fire, it would have been eaten by my husband and He would have died and she lost her husband. it was then that she realized the significance of The words." The Devil you do remains with you: The Good you do come back to you"


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