We know we have given a unique character like salt, but it depends on us how to implement in our a salt its presence is not felt, but its absence makes all things "tasteless".

Often we fall in our life go through a financial situation or any relationship issue does not mean we give Up .remember money can buy a house, but not a home, money can buy a bed but not sleep,

Money can buy a clock but not time, money can buy a book, but not knowledge, money can buy food But not appetite, money can buy friends but not love. it's similar in our life. if I talk about intelligence Or intellectual great thing always begin from inside you like " if an egg is broken by an outside force Then life ends. or if an egg is broken by an inside force then life begins"

Do not fear about criticize yourself because people talk behind your back for 3 reasons -----

1-When they can't reach your level.

2-When they don't have what you have.

3-When they try to copy your lifestyle but can't.

Always remember or keep in your mind that doesn't depend much on anyone in this world, even your Shadow leaves you one day when you are in any be a decent person just love your friends Or Someone from the bottom of your heart not from mood or need. if you really want to judge people then Just drop a tear and watch how many hands come forth to swipe your tears.

Don't feel bad if people remember you when they need you instead feel privileged that you are like a Candle that comes to their mind when they are in trouble. you must have known these points to analyze Your life -

Good People give you happiness and bad people give you experience or worst people give you a lesson And then the best people give you memories. whatever happened in your past just let it go

Don't cry over the past, don't stress about the future, it has not arrived, just chill, live In the present & make it beautiful as you can.

These are all above can be the key to your happy life .optaining such thought may make you a decent person, as well as a positive thinker which will take away you from disputes or negative thoughts that make you uncomfortable and start forcing you to do unethical things


Finally, I am glad to share such thought with you .that, may help someone to offer monetize their life-Threatening time 

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