Inspiration Quotes


                                                   It is Time to Inspire

"Some Beautiful lines that will inspire you in Your life Believe in Yourself.  soon others will                                                           believe  In you too". 


                       " Life can be understood backward but it must be lived forwards".


                                          "Most ideas never work-Unless you do.


           "If you live for yourself alone,you are in great danger of being bored to death".


                                                              Inspired yourself

  " Politics is the art by which politicians obtain campaign contributions from the rich and                       votes from the poor on the pretext of protecting each from the other."


  "Almost anyone can do the first half of anything: only the people who do the second half                                                                    arrive."


                                   "Praise all countries,but live in your own".


                            "When all men say you are an ass,it is time to bray".


                    "Step out lightly,step out brightly,and luck will come your way".


        "If you have good health,you are young: and if you owe nothing,you are rich".


                      "The strongest man in the world is the man who stands alone".


                               "Dont give success will delete many failure."


"Most men want their children to be a credit to them.wise men try to be a credit to their                                                                      children".


                                                           Inspired yourself

                 "Life is not something to be put up with,but a gift to be enjoyed with zest."


                           "To live in peace with others,first make peace with yourself".


                 "the two things a man can never hide-that he is drunk & he is in love"


                 "He who laughs with you is a friend.he who laughs at you is an enemy."


                               "Success is where preparation and opportunity meets".


                            "Failure is not defeat, it is just learning how to succeed".



Credit By:- Ruskin Bond


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