Most awesome psychological facts

1.Everyone is ambitious until it’s time to put in work & take risks

2.When you remember a past event, you are actually remembering the last time you remebered it,not the event itself
3.The moment when you are ready to quiet usually the moment right before the miracle
4.Sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck
 5.The only difference between your dream life & the life you’re living now is one you show up for yourself & in the other, you don’t
6.Sometimes you’ve to go through the worst in order to get the best
7.Sarcasm is the ability to insult stupid people without them realizing it
 8.Yawning doesn’t necessarily mean you’re tired, it also means your body needs more oxygen
 9.Talking to yourself can make your brain work more efficiently
10. The more loyal you’re, the more disappointments you encounter along with experience
11.Roughly six billion people on earth own a phone, but only 4.5 billion have access to a working toilet
12.Your personality is who you are. Your attitude is usually based on how a person treats you
13.The more attracted you’re to a person, the easier it’s for them to make you laugh
14.Childhood ends the day you realize that sleep is a reward & not a punishment
15.The most used drug worldwide is caffeine
16.Looking at a photo of someone you love can act as a pain reliever
17.Happiness can be found when you stop comparing yourself to other people
18.Looking at a photo of someone you love can act as a pain reliever
19.Happiness can be found when you stop comparing yourself to other people
20.Hugging someone that you really miss an literally improve a person’s mood & relieve stress
21.Once you begin to dislike someone , everything they do tends to annoy you
 22. You can judge the character of a person by how they treat people who can do absolutely nothing for them
23.Unexpected text messages from the person you care about can have a positive affect on your body & instantly improve your mood
24.When a dog sees its owner, it’s brain secretes the same substance as ours when we’re in love
 25.Before sleeping, 90% of your mind begins to imagine stuff you’d like to happen
26.Every relationship has its problems. But what makes it perfect is when you still want to be there when everything sucks
27.Don’t depend too much on anyone, in this world even your shadow leaves you when you’re in darkness  


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