10 Life's Secret Quotes



                                                          Life's Secret Quotes 

1- Don't feel bad if people remember you when they need you instead feel Privileged that you are like a       candle that comes to their mind when they are in trouble.

2- Apologizing does not mean you are wrong and the other person is right, it just means you value your       relationship than your ego.

3- A person becomes 10 times attractive not by their looks but by their acts of kindness, love, respect          & loyalty they show.

4-Do not cry over the past, It is gone.do not stress about the future, it has not arrived, live in the present      & make it beautiful as you can.

5-Some will never like you because your spirit irritates their demons.

6-A Hungry stomach or an empty pocket and a broken heart can teach you the best lesson of life.

- Help people, even you know that they can not help you back. because the devil you do remains with        you: the good you do come back to you:

8- The person who tries to keep everyone happy and always care for everyone is always the most                 lonely person. strange but true.

9-The secret of living well and longer is-eat half, walk double, laugh triple & love without measure.

10-We are not given a good or bad life, we are given a life, and it's up to us to make it good or bad. 

Applying these quotes in your practical life may change your attitude towards people or easy to recognize people.you are probably suffering from these circumstances feeling down or lonely even being a part of social.be cool just focus to goal, love them who love you, that's it. if you like my post please share a lot like and follow.

thanks all of you who read this post or giving your precious time to my blog .


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